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open chain是什么意思

发布时间:2021-03-11 作者: 英语查

open chain 是什么意思


open:    adj. 1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to ...
chain:    n. 1.链子,链条;项圈;表链。 2.连锁;连续,一系 ...
a chain of atoms in a molecule whose ends are not joined to form a ring


1.Kodak company describes open chain reactive methylene two-equivalent yellow-forming conplers .

2.Synthesis of open chaining crown ether compound

3.The entanglement between the boundary qubits in the five - qubit heisenberg xx open chain

4.Open chain compound

5.Open chain mechanism

6.Paraffinic having the characteristics of paraffins , saturated hydrocarbons of open chain structure

7.Under acid condition open chaining crown ether diaromatic aldehyde can react , and they will synthesize a compound of chaining crown ether diaromatic aldehyde thiosemi - carbazone kind

8.Combining the homogeneous matrix transformation theory of space mechanism and computer graphics , we raise the general principle and motion simulation ' s method of complicated mechanism , which is represented by spacial multipole structure of open chain

9.Using matlab and its add - ons simulink , through establishing simulation maths model , the paper integrates open chain vector equation ( describing motion restriction ) , numerical value simulation ( computing velocity and displacement while given acceleration ) and matrix algebra , etc . to accomplish dynamic simulation for the robot and verifies the results for kinematics of the robot using analysis method , and it establishes foundation for following study for the robot such as kinetics , control , etc
利用matlab及其附加软件simulink ,通过建立仿真数学模型,综合开环矢量方程(描述运动约束) 、数值仿真(在加速度已知时计算速度和位移) 、以及矩阵代数等来完成机器人动态仿真,对所研究的机器人运动学分析结果进行验证,结果基本一致,为机器人的后续研究,如动力学,控制等奠定基础。

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